Global Source Rock Monitor - Work is in progress

Southern Australia

La Trobe Source rocks

La Trobe coal, thought to be the source of the Bass Straight condensate and gas



Kimmeridge Clay, Dorset

Kimmeridge Clay, Dorset


Kimmeridge Clay, North Yorkshire

Kimmeridge clay north yourkshire

The Kimmeridge Clay Formation is a key contributor to the oil and gas in the Central and Northern North Sea.
It is also now the focus of unconventional oil and gas exploitation in the Weald Basin (Horse Hill).

Lower Jurassic, Liassic, Dorset & North Somerset


Albert Mines, near Hopewell Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada


Carboniferous (Ca. 350ma) black bituminous coal which was mined in the late 1800's to extract gas for street lamps and to distil out kerosene.